Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on Monday 24 June 2023


Proposed Amendments to Resources, Performance and Planning Committee Terms of Reference

(Appendices 1-3 refer)


Contact for further information: Mark Nolan, Clerk and Monitoring Officer

Telephone: 01772 866720


Executive Summary


The Authority last reviewed the Terms of Reference of all its committees in April 2018 (resolution 89/17 refers) and the Resources Committee in October 2022 (resolution 29/22 refers). 


The Authority’s constitutional provisions are regularly reviewed to ensure their efficacy and efficiency, as well as to ensure they are cosmetically up to date.  


Members are asked to consider minor amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Resources, Performance and Planning Committees (highlighted) which represent minor changes to reflect certain recruitment processes being reserved to the full Authority and to reflect changes in labelling for those committees with responsibilities to the Community Risk Management Plan.


The Terms of Reference for the Audit and Appeals Committee, as well as the operating procedures for the Strategy Group will remain the same, following review, and remain appropriate and proportionate to the needs of the Authority in conducting its business.




The Authority is asked to approve the amendment to the revised terms of reference for the Resources Committee.




Members will be aware that as busy professionals it can often be difficult to organise a recruitment sub-committee, despite requiring the appointment of three members, whereby until 2022 seven members were required. In maintaining the requirements of the Constitutional Contractual and Procedural Standing Orders, this will enable the Authority to expedite any recruitment practices, especially in the event of an emergency or if action is required quickly, to avoid any impact that additional delay may have upon the ability of the Authority and the Service to conduct business. Such change would serve to improve resilience and would be consistent with the Constitutional Contractual and Procedural Standing Orders, which also require the appointment of the Chief Fire Officer, Clerk and Treasurer to the Authority to be a matter reserved to the full Authority.


Business Risk


Governance arrangements form a key element of the control framework within which the Authority operates. The changes proposed are merely cosmetic and do not impact on the effectiveness or efficacy of either the Committee or the Authority.


Environmental Impact


None identified


Equality and Diversity Implications


None identified


HR Implications


The current recruitment processes envisaged will need to be referred to the full Authority, unless otherwise stated.


Financial Implications


None identified


Legal Implications


None identified


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers

Paper:            Report to CFA and subsequent minute 29/22

Date:               3 October 2022

Contact:         Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Authority

Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A


Paper:            Report to CFA and subsequent minute 89/17

Date:               April 2018

Contact:         Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Authority

Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A